1. When should someone see a psychiatrist?

    People approach psychiatrists for various reasons. Sleep problems, feeling sad and hopeless, having suicidal thoughts, persistent worry interfering with quality of life, stressful life situations, obsessive and compulsive behaviours, anxiety provoking thoughts and images in the mind, nightmares, paranoia, hearing voices, talking without sense, experiencing strange and difficult to explain phenomena, change in behaviour, memory problems, overactivity, poor attention, drug and alcohol problems etc can be some of the reasons why people like to consult psychiatrists. Sometimes the family members may want to discuss with the psychiatrist how they could help their loved one better and may have other questions around encouraging an uncooperative person in need of help to attend the appointment with the psychiatrist.

  2. How can the mental health problems be treated with medications?

    It is wrong to assume that all mental health problems require medications. Modern psychiatric practice is based on a biopsychosocial model of assessment and treatment. Medications are useful only if there are biological reasons which need biological treatments.

  3. How long will I have to wait once I arrive for consultation?

    It is difficult to predict. However, if you make a booking in advance, you will have priority and as a result will be waiting less to be seen. If you have special circumstances and you want to be seen with absolutely no waiting, please ask to speak to the Brain and Mind Clinic Co-ordinator who can assist you with this. But there will be an additional charge for this high priority service.

  4. Does Dr Joseph see patients privately outside hospital?

    Dr Joseph currently offers his service only through the Brain and Mind Clinic, Little Flower hospital, Angamaly. However, patients who used to consult him privately in his private practice may be given review appointments in special circumstances.

  5. Is it possible to speak to the doctor over the phone to get some advice?

    Unfortunately, it is not practically possible as there are far too many people who would like to do exactly the same. The only way to get his advice would be to meet him in person at the hospital.

  6. If the patient is not willing to come to the consultation, how do we proceed?

    You are advised to meet with Dr Joseph to discuss the situation first. He will help you plan strategies to make psychiatric help available to your loved one.